In November 2022, the National Thin-Film Cluster Facility for Advanced Functional Materials (NTCF) housed in Department of Physics, University of Oxford, was officially launched.
For the last 2 years, the facility has served the research community in making thin film structures of organic semiconductors, inorganic and hybrid perovskite PVs, organic PVs, optical coatings and other advanced functional materials.
In this FREE status event, the facility co-directors: Prof Moritz Riede and Prof Henry Snaith will present updates on the development of the academic and commercial use of the cluster facility. They will also give an overview of the progress of the facility to date showcasing new functionality as well as highlighting the outcomes of the tool. A key aspect of the event will be to explore the strategies of future expansions of this facility.
An event timetable follows and all delegates who attend in person will have the opportunity to have a tour of the Cluster facility. Tours will be run after the meeting by Dr Jin Yao and Dr Matthew Naylor who are in charge of the day-to-day running of the facility.